Guidelines for impact proffesionals

Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Knowledge Base, a valuable resource designed to nurture social entrepreneurs, ecosystem partners, civil society organisations and social innovation enthusiasts. Here you will find a wealth of insights, guidance and practical information to navigate the dynamic world of social entrepreneurship. From understanding the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, to exploring specific focus areas and gaining valuable insights on good practices, to discovering the on-the-ground experiences of Impact Hubs, the Knowledge Base accompanies enthusiasts on their journey to impact-driven work.


Discover the interwoven social entrepreneurship ecosystem and the catalysts for positive transformation through articles, case studies, and valuable resources.


Discover spaces and experiences that foster collaboration, innovation and social impact.


Gain deep insights from experts, social entrepreneurs and Impact Hub Ankara team.


Explore a wide range of resources related to Impact Hub Ankara’s specific focus areas, which include systems entrepreneurship, social innovation, creative entrepreneurship, social procurement, local development, social impact, public social innovation, and more.